Create innovative solutions and ensure sustainable development
Our Commitment
Recognize our power to positively influence the community
From company wide policies to local initiatives, we recognize that we have an effect on the communities we operate in. This is why we strive to protect the environment, as well as the well-being of the places where we live and work, safeguarding them for our neighbors today and for the generations of tomorrow.
Through local partnerships and our corporate social responsibility program, we’re committed to our communities, not only helping to improve where we live, but also how we live. One of the ways we do this is by seeking the input of local stakeholders through our Community Advisory Panels and working together with residents and officials to ensure our relationship is collaborative and beneficial.
Local partnerships
Annual events that bring us closer to local communities
Environmental Priorities
We have a vast biodiversity and restoration program, particularly in our quarries and sand pits in Canada. It particularly involves the creation and improvement of habitat, forests, wetlands and meadows.
Why is it important for us?
Working today on ensuring a future for the generations of tomorrow
Our commitment is to continuously improve our environmental performance and provide positive contributions to our business. We are committed to sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
CRH Canada is committed to responsible stewardship of the natural environment. Recognizing the environmental implications of our activities providing products and services to the construction industry, we are continually striving to improve environmental performance by setting and reviewing measurable objectives and targets associated with our operations.
Sharing the highlights of our initiatives to support our commitment to sustainable development
Our Business Units are fully committed to CRH Canada’s sustainable development, responsible stewardship of the natural environment and social responsibility initiatives.
We always have our impact in mind when we work in a community.
Sand Martins at Demix Agrégats
One of the smallest species of swallows in North America, the sand martin, nests at our Demix Agrégats quarries during summer.
In partnership with Québec Oiseaux, we ensured their safety even when we operated our quarries. We leave some of our quarry faces for them to live in, whereas we discourage them to live in our stockpiles by ensuring they are at an angle of 45 degrees.
Annual Tree Planting with Dufferin Aggregates
Dufferin Aggregates partners with local children, Scouts and Girl Guides, neighbours and employees to plant thousands of native trees at our operations across Ontario. To date, we have planted nearly 300,000 trees at our sites in Ontario.
Women in Science Program
CRH Canada developed the Women in Science Program as a commitment to develop the next generation of women who will build the future of our company, and the infrastructures of tomorrow. As such, in 2021, CRH Canada decided to support Camp Engies et Les Scientifines, two community organizations geared at championing young women and girls pursuing a career in STEM.
The Regional Cause in Quebec
For more than 10 years, the employees of our divisions in Quebec have chosen each year an organization that is dear to them and that will be supported by the company for a year.
Our involvement takes many forms and includes donations of money and building materials, but also volunteering from our employees.
We are proud to be able to contribute to communities that are important to our employees.
Partnership with CaGBC
As part of our commitment to contribute to a more environmentally friendly built environment and enabling the development of vibrant and healthy communities, CRH Canada is a long-standing partner of the Sustainable Building Council of Canada.
We are proud to be able to continue to participate in a constructive discussion, but also to learn to move our industry forward.
Greater Toronto Airport Authority Annual Runway Run
Dufferin Construction has been a proud sponsor of the Greater Toronto Airport Authority's annual runway race since its inception 10 years ago.
Many charities have benefited from this great cause. Each year, several of our employees participate.
Sustainable Products
Find out how we ensure that our products comply with our sustainable development policy while being of very high quality.